We place a high value on authentic and genuine customer reviews, so here we tell you what measures we take to guarantee that the reviews shown are genuine customer reviews.

Customer Testimonials

Our customer testimonials are written by verified customers. They have contacted us about their experience with your order. After the customers have given their consent, we publish such letters as testimonials.

TrustedShops reviews

Reviews from TrustedShops are verified by measures on the part of TrustedShops. The reviews are the experiences of real customers. You can learn more about the verification at TrustedShops under the following link: https://help.etrusted.com/hc/de/articles/4419944605341

eBay reviews

Shown ratings from eBay are verified by eBay itself. A review can only be submitted on eBay for a purchase that has actually been made.

Client testimonials

On the authenticity of these reviews